
Welcome To Amakusa

the place where you can see dolphins

Amakusa Pearl Garden &
Undersea Aquarium Sea Donut

Sea Donut is the only floating aquarium in western Japan.
You can enjoy observing Amakusa’s rich marine life,
interacting with dolphins, and visiting the aquarium at night.
Amakusa Pearl Garden has a restaurant that serves fresh seafood,
a shop that sells beautiful pearls,
and a souvenir shop that sells Amakusa seafood and crafts.

クラゲ 海洋生物

Amakusa Pearl Garden


Undersea Aquarium 
Sea Donut

海中水族館シードーナツ 波イラスト

colorful creatures You canobserve and observe dolphins up close.

shopping画像1 背景ピンク 背景ピンク イルカ
play画像2 海洋生物1
play画像3 足跡
shopping画像1 背景オレンジ 背景オレンジ タコ

Beautiful pearls and special productsfrom Amakusa.Can only be bought here We sell many products.

shopping画像2 足跡
shopping画像3 ペンギン

Enjoy Amakusa’s fresh seafood as sashimi, rice bowls, or tempura.Juice and ice cream are also sold within the park.

eat画像1 背景パープル 背景パープル カメ
eat画像2 チンアナゴ
eat画像3 足跡